Leighslies’s Blog

Just another WordPress.com weblog


Filed under: Uncategorized — leighslies @ 11:08 pm



Since porn is his best friend, he is getting desperate.

Filed under: Uncategorized — leighslies @ 10:19 pm



Not only does he beat off to porn all day, now he is placing personal ads!

Nasty hair, unkempt beard, female body. YUM

Nasty hair, unkempt beard, female body. YUM


You lose Mr.Drunk -n- hairy.

Filed under: Uncategorized — leighslies @ 10:09 pm

Do you honestly think you look good? You filthy hippy pig. That beard and hair do of your disgust all women. Are you trying to be Osama? Take a shower, shave and clean up your fragile female-like body. You are a genetic defect. No wonder no woman will be with you shit bag.


Steve Leigh. Cyber crime villain.

Filed under: Uncategorized — leighslies @ 9:54 pm

Steve Leigh is a sick man that spends most of his waking hours harassing, cyber stalking & bullying innocent people online. He has devoted thousands of hours over the years to creating web pages and web content solely devoted to harassing individual people. Not only does he post personal information about people, he also makes phone calls to them and people that know them, taking his harassment “off line” and into reality. He is obsessed with cyber stalking people and has nothing else to do with his life anymore, making his obsession his # 1 priority. Combine his mental illness with his alcoholism and we have an out of control ticking time bomb just waiting to “explode”. The facts are more than obvious now a days since the private investigation of Steve Leigh uncovered his dirty little secrets. He has now been proven a compulsive LIAR and con man. He is a convict and crook. Hard evidence has been gathered  on Leigh, through many sources. His criminal record speaks for itself. With domestic violence, harassment and threatening with a firearm under his belt, Leigh is has been exposed to help protect more victims of his crimes. On this blog, we will keep you up o date on any known information about Leigh.